Recent Reviews
I'm not a fan of abstract games, but the presentation here really makes the game a lot of fun. Also, there is more strategy than people give it credit for. Simple rules & quick playtime also a plus.
- Kingdom Builder
Great co-op introduction for new gamers. The game really shines when everyone truly competes to be the "master slayer"!
- Castle Panic
Pretty easy to pick up and master game. There is a tad more luck than strategy due to the tiles and money that becomes available, but a good plan will win more often than not. Fun, light game.
- Alhambra
Recently picked this one up, can already tell it has earned its reputation as such a classic. Very in-depth strategy, lots to learn and master, and a minimal amount of luck to overcome.
- Agricola
7 Wonders has seen a ton of play around our group's tables. Easy to pick up but tough to master, and with expansions can play up to 8, plays up to 7 out of the box.
- 7 Wonders
This game kept me awake for hours after playing it. Why? I had never played a game with such rich complexity and strategy before this one. I really, really enjoy this one.
- Ora et Labora
This is my daughter's favorite game in our collection. I enjoy figuring out new combinations of cards to try and beat her blossoming strategies. Definitely a modern classic card game.
- Dominion: Intrigue
This is THE game that got me into hobby board games! I love the simplicity of the rules and the beauty of the game as the countryside of Carcassonne unfolds. I highly recommend this one.
- Carcassonne
Horrible rulebook, but a challenging game. I love the theme and there is so much going that it would take a lot to master.
- Twilight Struggle
So good it makes my head hurt
- Go
The most fun game I've found to draw people into board games. Great for anyone who likes zombies.
- Last Night on Earth
Fun and easy to play with damn near anyone. Scales to children and family situations all the way to more adult gathering well.
- Apples to Apples
very fun game i suggest you give it a try if you enjoy dungeons and dragons themed games. or are a fan of r a salvatore.
- Dungeons & Dragons: The Legend of Drizzt
this is a fun game that can lead to some hilarious confrontations it actually gets better the more expansions you add as well. fun game i suggest giving it a try .
- Munchkin
A great LCG with tons of deck building potential. With Fantasy Flight's LCG model this has the potential to be a long running awesome game. Interesting asymmetrical card game mechanics.
- Android: Netrunner
A fun and challenging game. A bit on the long side, and the instruction book makes it sound way too complicated. I enjoyed playing though and would play again.
- Twilight Struggle
It's a very fun game, a little complex to understand at the beginning but very fun when you have understood the rules. It is my favorite game ever.
- Mage Knight: Board Game
A fun idea but poor gameplay makes this one a dusty box on our shelf.
- Evolution: The Origin of Species
Fairly simple mechanic, there is no luck in this game except the bad luck of not making the right alliance or getting backstabbed before you can stab your allies. A game of interpersonal politics!
- Diplomacy
With each player taking a side in the 2008 election, this game is pretty fun. After the initial game, deck-building adds complexity and strategy, trying to guess your opponents card choices.
- Campaign Manager 2008