Munchkin Board Game


Kill, cheat, steal your way through the dungeon in this humorous parody of the RPG experience. All the fun of roleplaying games without all the roleplaying!

This Game's Tags

Overall Rating: 3.7

Luck Strategy
Casual Intense
Complex Simple

6 Munchkin Reviews

  • This game is so random that a friend of mine who hates games won a 6 player game depsite spacing out through the middle and paying virtually no attention to what he was doing. It's funny and light.CunningAllusionment 5 Luck Strategy Casual Intense Complex Simple
  • I thought this would be funny. It wasn't. I thought it would be fun. It wasn't. If I could sell it, I would.Brian Fahl 1 Luck Strategy Casual Intense Complex Simple
  • this is a fun game that can lead to some hilarious confrontations it actually gets better the more expansions you add as well. fun game i suggest giving it a try .steven 7 Luck Strategy Casual Intense Complex Simple
  • I've not played a game of this yet which I've enjoyed. I don't get the appeal.Gareth Lloyd 2 Luck Strategy Casual Intense Complex Simple
  • Mucnchkin can be entertaining (clever card names and drawings) but is lacks any depth. It's a lot like the game Flux with some character management aspects. Note: review based off "Munchkin Zombies".erichm5 3 Luck Strategy Casual Intense Complex Simple
  • I would like to like this more, but too much luck is involved, too random. The game was simple enough, but in the end, I simply have far too many other games that are more fun. Devin3279 4 Luck Strategy Casual Intense Complex Simple

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