Risk: Star Wars The Original Trilogy
- Designers: Dan Sanfilippo Rob Daviau
- Publisher: Hasbro
- Players: 2 - 4
- Play Time: 60 - 180
- Ages: 10 and older
Its the classic game of Risk- Star Wars-style! Build your army and take over planets for supremacy of the galaxy. Take down the Death Star, or blow up planets in this alternative way to play Risk.
Overall Rating: 7.5
Luck Strategy Casual Intense Complex Simple2 Risk: Star Wars The Original Trilogy Reviews Add Review
When you combine one of my favorite games, Risk, with Star Wars you have a winning combo! Even though you roll dice there is a great deal of strategy in how you move players. I am your father.
Control the Death Star??? WHAAAA..???" 'Risk with Death Star' is what it should have been titled! If you like Risk and if you like Star Wars- this is the game for you!
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